Digital Spectrophotometer IFS720B is widely used as they are multifaceted and easy to operate. They are used for analyzing the concentration and absorbance in laboratory experiments. They give the measurements with absolute accuracy. With an objective of competing with the international standards our Spectrophotometer are engineered to work efficiently.
Detector | Silicon Photodiode |
Display | 3 ½ digit LED display for results 3 digit display for Wavelength |
Range | 340 to 960 nm |
Resolution | 0.1%T, 0.001 Abs, conc.1 |
Output | %T: 0 t0 100%, Abs; 0 to 1.999, Conc. 0 to 1999 |
Monochromator | 600 Lines / mm holographic grating |
Sample Holder | 10 mm (50mm path Length in Model SI-104 only) |
Spectral Bandwidth | 5 nm |
Wave Length Resolution | 1 nm |
Wave Length Accuracy | ± 1 nm |
Repeatability | ± 2 nm |
Power | 230V ± 10% AC 50 Hz |
Dimensions | L475 x B290 x H190 mm |
Weight | 8.5 kg (approx.) |
Accessories | Cuvtte – 10mm (dia.) 10no, Dustcover, Manual, Usual, 1 |